Monday, February 23, 2009


I can't believe it's been over 2 weeks since my last post. That's how crazy my life has been. Without boring you with all the details, here are a few of the highlights...

...I survived a week of SkirtChaser! I was living on no sleep and excess beer. It was really a great time. The weather was beautiful. The party was hoppin. I won a wii fit in the dating game. We literally had to kick people out, everyone was just hanging out after the party ended. Very very successful event.

...My sister broke up with her boyfriend. Finally. Great guy. Not dating material. Now she is free at last.

...I raced on a relay team at the Desert Classic Duathlon. It was so much fun! I started us off with a 3.5 mile run, my team mate (Melissa) biked 21 miles, then I ran 2.7 to the finish. The second run has a couple of killer hills and it was awesome because I was flying by people! They all had dead legs from biking 21 miles of hills and mine were fresh and ready to fly. Huge ego boost.

...We hosted pro triathlete Amanda Lovato for the weekend as she was in town for the duathlon. She is such a cool person and we really enjoyed hanging out with her. She brought us a couple of swim suits from her sponsor (Splish) as a thank you. I got an orange one and (my fav) a pink one, Dan got one with paw prints on it! I can't wait to see him in it at the pool... all the other guys will be so jealous.

...I have been listening to my motivational CD again (twice in one year!!) because I'm trying to gear up for this marathon. When I run, if I think about my injury all I feel is every little nagging thing. If I am distracted or not thinking about how I feel, I run fine- and feel fine! It's totally in my head, but unfortunately your head can take you out of the game if it wants to. Thus the whole mind over matter bit. So, I'm trying to imput some more positive thoughts toward my running and the marathon so that on race day, no matter what happens, I won't be taken out by lack of will.

...I'm getting excited to start IM training. I was planning to head to B&N today to pick up a new training log. Didn't quite make it there because I see a nap in my near future. Tomorrow for sure.

Well, I'm off to do other things. Have an early yoga class tomorrow (5:30 am) so I'd like to kick back a little extra today. Can't wait for Friday!

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