Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bits and Pieces

I am about to go into the bathroom and cut all my hair off. Again. Dan left the clippers sitting out on the counter and I am having a hard time resisting the temptation. Just thought I'd give you a head's up. There's no one here to stop me. Not that anyone would except my mom and my older sister. No one else seems to care. I...just...can't...resist!

So a brief update before I cut my hair: I took two days off this week. Not from injury. More from lack of sleep. Still feeling some "tightness" in my hip flexor. Not pain. So I called my physical therapist and he said to just continue coming in twice a week until after the marathon just to be on the safe side and stay on top of everything.

I am gearing up for the SkirtChaser 5k which is one week from today! My meetings start Monday. I have a 2-3 hour shift on Wednesday night stuffing race packets and then I have half day off work on Friday to work at packet pickup and then I show up to the venue 8:30 am on Saturday morning ready to work! Other than my 20 minutes allotted for the 5k, I'll be working my butt off making sure everyone is having a fabulous time. It's going to be awesome! Fashion show... dating games... free beer/ wine.... free food! I can't wait! I had to miss it last year cause it fell the same week as Ragnar so I'm really looking forward to being there this year.

I'm so not ready to begin IM training. I was mentally prepared to do so after PF Chang's but now I've kind of lost my motivation since I haven't been able to start biking yet. Plus my confidence is wavering with my recent "failure". (I know it's not really a failure, but I have no other way to classify it. I failed to reach my goal. Simple.) I just need to get back that attitude of CAN DO. Thus taking me back to item number one on this post. My hair (or lack thereof) is my superpower. It gives me a feeling of "kick ass". I am intimidating. I am aerodynamic. I am fast. Or at least that's what I tell myself. So, on that note, I'm signing off. I'll be back next week... more aero... faster... intimidating. And I will regain that passion, desire to kick some IM-MOO butt. Just as soon as I qualify for Boston 2010....


JessG said...

Hey Mary: What marathon are you gearing up for? Don't worry about the IMOO head games, you have to go down before you can be back on top. You have the right attitude, one day at a time. Hope all is well! - jess

Anonymous said...

Well - did you do it? Are you a nicely shaven #1?? You're bad-ass with or without hair in my book girl. You're freaking fast actually! :) Hang in there and have fun in Cali in March. Excited to hear about SkirtChaser too. Enjoy!

SkirtChaser said...

Thats my girl!!!!!!!!

joshua said...

hey mary! hi from colorado, I'm by the rocky mountains if you know colorado, I went to boulder too.
hope you feel better and qualify for your dream BOSTON ha.
say hi to IronMan Dan.