Monday, February 2, 2009

All clear!

I got the all clear from my physical therapist today! I ran 52 miles last week, 18 yesterday as my long run. I did not experience any pain during running or before/after running all week. This was my 5th PT visit. He said my alignment is good. I need to be religious about stretching, but at this point I am having no symptoms. He didn't even have to ASTYM me today. I wasn't sore at all to the touch which is the first time since starting PT. I am going to keep going once a week just to make sure I am staying on top of things until after my next marathon. But for now I am home free! Thanks, Endurance Rehab, for getting me back on my feet so quickly! You guys rock! I promise to take better care of myself and get evaluated at least twice a year. And I promise to never stop stretching or strengthening!

1 comment:

JessG said...

Congrats on the clean bill of health....stretching is so unbelievably important I can't stress that enough. Like you, I learned the hard way, now I'm a stretch-o-holic and I crave it all the time. Unfortunately most people will learn to stretch the way we did, through injury and failure to complete the race we had our hearts set on.

Keep up the good work Mary - when will we see you again? Colorado bound this summer, maybe?

Take care-jess