Friday, December 28, 2012

10 things that May or May Not have happened over Christmas:

My husband and I flew to visit my family over the Christmas holiday.  We flew in on Friday and for the next 90 hours I did not stop laughing.  I laughed so much that my face ached.  There were many moments over the weekend when I would look up at my husband or my mom or my cousin and say, "did that just happen?"  At the end of the weekend, I told my mom that I wasn't going to be able to share any of my vacation with friends because no one would believe what went down.  You just don't have that much fun with family, right? 

So I'll share and if you think it's just too crazy to believe, well, I won't blame you.  Here are 10 things that may or may not have happened over Christmas break:

1.  I may or may not have run outside in my pajamas to make snow angels with my mom.  My hands might have been frozen and I might have had to change clothes and hang my pj's by the fire to dry. 

2.  I may or may not have run the Doomsday 5k with my husband, mom, dad, aunt, uncle and cousin.  I might have taken 3rd place.  My husband might have taken 3rd also (for the men).  We might have then indulged in post race pizza, beer and a dance party that lasted until just past midnight.  I might definitely be going back for the next 5k... St. Patty's Day.  And, I might or might not have gotten the crowd excited about winning "Holiday Balls" (aka: a Christmas ornament) while spinning the wheel of doom. 

3.  I may or may not have run in the freezing temperatures down a gorgeous snow covered trail.  I might or might not *still* be in love with the Midwest.  (You can take the girl out of the Midwest, but you can't take the Midwest out of the girl...).  I may or may not have ended my run with a snowball fight with my husband while waiting for my mom to finish her snowshoeing jaunt.  Ya, that's right.  She snoeshoes. 

4.  I may or may not have witnessed my 87 year old grandmother run outside in her stockinged feet and Christmas sweater to make a snow angel.  This might have resulted in the loudest laughter the house has ever heard.

5.  After a majority of the family left the open house, we may or may not have cleared the furniture out of the living room for an impromptu dance party.  Remaining family members might have gotten our groove on to Jock Jams circa 1990.  We might have drank 9 bottles of champagne.  We might also have poured my aunt, uncle and cousin into a cab at 1:30 AM after we could no longer dance.   

6.  I may or may not have played 2 Truths and a Lie with my family at the dinner table.  I might have ended the game rather unexpectedly when I proclaimed that "Donder is my favorite reindeer" and my family couldn't stop laughing, claiming it's "Donner", not Donder.  Despite proving my point on 3 different websites, they might continue to make fun of me and I fear that 10 years from now when we gather for Christmas, I will still be made fun of for loving "Donder" best.  

7.  I may or may not have used an ax to hack through 8 inches of ice on the surface of the lake at my grandparents house so that we could do a "polar bear plunge" on Christmas Eve morning.  It may or may not have felt amazingly refreshing.  I may or may not have taken the plunge with my husband, sister, mom, uncle and cousin.  We may or may not have enjoyed coffee and homemade Christmas cookies after the plunge.  My grandfather might have been the one to suggest that it was a good idea for everyone to experience this at least once in their lifetime.  (He might have experienced a polar plunge while stationed in Norway one chilly January day.)  He might or might not have been the one behind the camera while his prodigy jumped into the frozen waters.  

8.  I may or may not have played a reindeer in my 6-year-old nephew's Christmas show.  I might have used the rope tied to the computer chair (on wheels) to pull his "sleigh".  I might have been forced to wear reindeer antlers with bells on while pulling the sleigh.  I might have loved every minute of this.

9.  I may or may not have cried while boarding the plane and waiting for our departure to come back to Arizona.  Like, snot running down my face, crying.  No matter where I live, home will always be where family is.  Right now, my husband and I are a thousand miles away from home, but the memories we made over our 4 day weekend we will cherish for the rest of our lives.  

10.  I may or may not have the craziest, most awesomest family on the planet.  

On second thought, that last one is definitely true.        

1 comment:

kataann said...

sounds like a fantastic vacation!