Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Training & training & more training

After 2 weeks of living in a nightmare, things are beginning to normalize. I am starting to get a normal amount of sleep at night so I am feeling better and not in such a slump. The weekend was long starting with an 18 mile run on Saturday morning. I was at the lake so early that there were still drunk people stumbling home from the bars. My friend KL met me for the last 12 miles. Even though it was early it was still hotter than hell. I went through 5 full water bottles during the run. That's over 100 oz. Hot. Humid. Hot. Ugh.

Then on Sunday morning I got up early for my long ride. I rode out to FH and McDowell Mt. Rd. I am loving my new bike. She tackled the hills like a pro. I was 2/3 up Shea before I realized I was still in the big ring. That never happens. And she's so smooth on the descent. So not afraid. She's a gem. Unfortunately, the heat and blistering sun beating down on me got the better of me and I had to call for a ride home after 5 hours. I still managed 85 miles but just could not imagine making it the last hour home. Next week I'll get up earlier. Dan said it was probably just the chronic fatigue that made me less tolerant of the heat. Either way, I came home and crashed for 3 hours. Best nap I've ever had.

This week is starting out strong. I've done 2 swims >4000, including 4600 today with 3000 at threshhold. Killer. My arms were ready to fall off. I also had a strong mock-tempo run yesterday and awesome spin class today. And then there's the easy 90 minute bike ride and 4 mile recovery run thrown in for good measure. Rest of the week should be smooth sailing.... until Saturday that is when I have to tackle the big 2-0. Normally I have a 2 week on/ 1 week off schedule. This block however is my last big push before IM so it's 3 weeks on/ 1 week off. I'm in week 3 and counting down the days to my LAST recovery week! After that it's 2 hard weeks and then..... taper. Ahhhh. Normally I'm not a big fan of taper. Can't sit still for any length of time. This time around however, I think I'm going to appreciate the time to soak in some rest. (Remind me I said that when I'm complaining about taper...)

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