Friday, March 13, 2009

Back in the saddle

I am officially a triathlete again. I biked for 3 hours last week and swam 3 hours as well. I am running again, slowly increasing my miles. Today I ran 6 and felt great. I know I haven't been diligent about stretching which I absolutely must do. I did make it to yoga twice which was great.

Here are a few things that I am enjoying as my training is picking up again:
Having the outdoor pool to myself at 5:30 am and being in the water as the sun begins to shed a dim light across the sky.
The amazing scent of orange blossoms during a bike ride. Ahhh, spring.
Having to pay attention to food. When I was just running, I wasn't starving all the time. Now I have to plan for food so I am not empty handed when hunger strikes.

Here are a few things I am still getting used to:
Getting up at 4:45 am. Yikes. I thought 5:15 was bad. 4:45 sucks!
The numbers on the scale. I'm never quite as lean as a triathlete as I am as a runner. 3 lbs is small but very scary!
Having to do more than pull on run shoes and head out the door. Now I have to pump bike tires, fill water bottles, don lots of gear, drive to the pool, etc, etc, etc.
Not running 60 miles a week. I have to admit, I really really enjoy running. I miss it.

Other things going on:
A good friend of mine traveled to New Zealand to compete at IM last weekend. He finished sub 10 hours and scored a much treasured Kona slot. He is soooo deserving of this honor and I can't wait to cheer him (and Dan) on in October!

The new spring line has launched at! It is fantastic (as usual) and I can't wait to try out some new gear!

I am 3 weeks out from Oceanside 70.3 and 9 weeks out from Grand Canyon! Time flies when you're having fun!

1 comment:

Aldi26 said...

Yea! And you're a blogger again as well! :)