Monday, October 20, 2008

Hawaii recap

While in Hawaii I...

... ran 50 miles. Hey, training doesn't stop just because vacation starts! Gotta keep aiming for Boston. Plus, who wouldn't want to run with the sound of the waves crashing next to you?

... ate lots of yummy seafood. Mmmmm. Ahi. Sushi. Opah.

... drank tropical beverages with umbrellas. OK, really I only drank 1. I'm more of a beer girl. Sorry to disappoint. (Did have a nice Coconut Porter brewed on Maui though.)

... swam in the ocean. What is more fun that this? Getting knocked around by the waves. Floating in the magical salty buoyant state.

... got tossed around on the front of a catamaran. This was the most fun. On our snorkel trip, the waves were 6-10 feet high and our little boat was bouncing all around. Our group had the best seats in the house-- the trampoline on the front of the boat. We'd hit those waves and be totally airborne! It was awesome!

... read 2 novels. Nineteen Minutes and The Memory Keeper's Daughter. Lots of relaxation time.

... kayaked Wailua River and hiked through ankle deep mud to the Secret Falls. Was reluctant at first (all I could think of was twisting my ankle and then not being able to run) but had a great time. Would have had more fun if I wasn't concerned with watching my Boston dreams slip sliding away in the mud.

... stayed awake for 40 hours (all day Saturday, during my overnight flight home, then all day Sunday). This was not intentional. I would have preferred to sleep on my flight home. Just couldn't seem to get there.

... ended my vacation with a 14 mile run at Tempe Lake before heading home. My head was in a fog, but my legs averaged an 8:50 pace!

I'm getting caught up on life right now so I'll post pics and stuff later. Until then, Aloha.


joshua said...

hola!! it seems like you had a great time there, did you go by yourself? I mean... no Dan?

I ran 10 nmiles too from thomas, by Indian park or something in scottsdale to Mill ave. and back.
Are you guys running this weekend?
ok see you soon!

FindingKona said...

We'll be at SOMA this weekend! Dan is racing and I will be managing the run course. Maybe we'll see you there!