Saturday, September 5, 2009


I must admit, I will be sad to see taper end. Please mark this date on your calendar as it may be the only time in my life that I will feel this way. None of the usual self doubt and extreme moodiness. No crabbiness. No freaking out about if I'm prepared or not prepared, over or under trained. No anxiety dreams. No, I have enjoyed every moment of the last two weeks and am trying to slow down the next 4 days which I fear will fly by too fast. Bottom line... I have enjoyed being lazy for the last 13 days. It's true. I'm lazy. (OK, not really that last bit is a lie. I can't sit still. Ever.) But I've enjoyed sleeping in till 4 am and cutting back on the hours of training.

This morning was the first time I think I've really laughed in a while. I think I can thank taper for that. I have been so stressed out with all the shit that's happened in the last 3 months and it was really starting to get to me. The Skirt Chaser reminded me the other day that the bad stuff doesn't get any more points than the good stuff. Meaning, if I'm going to keep track of the bad stuff and dwell on it, then I owe it to myself to keep track of the good stuff too. For some reason this really struck a chord with me. I've been trying to look for those little positive moments in each day, no matter how small they are. Today, I got to meet a bunch of friends at the lake and go for a nice leisurely bike ride and run. Then we all went to a little bakery and had an amazing breakfast. It was so nice just to talk and laugh and enjoy the sport for once. I usually work on Saturdays and miss out on all the group rides.

And I was home by 10 am. 10 AM!!! With nothing to do for the rest of the day!! That is sooooo not my normal Saturday. I'm about to go have the most amazing massage and get all loosened up for the big dance. 7 days till go time. I'm ready.

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