Friday, November 9, 2018

Diary of an Ultraman: Day 9

6:31 am.  I am awake.  I lay in bed for a while before finally getting up.  Today is a recovery day so only 2 hours worth of workouts.  I have a list of other things I need to do, but this is priority. 

7:15 am.  We do 30 minutes of strength training in the hotel fitness center.  This involves yoga mats on the floor with some free weights.  I write a circuit including burpees, squats, dead lifts, planks, rows, and overhead press.  It's a tiny little room but thankfully we're the only ones in it.  (Everyone else is eating breakfast.)

8:30 am.  We're swimming at the Kona Aquatic Center.  My arms are D.E.A.D.  Not to even speak of my quads which burn with fatigue making the 2k of 25 fly/ 75 free super fun.  My 200s for time are laughable.  As in "did someone convert this yards pool to meters overnight?" laughable.  But this is a recovery day.  And I've had 3 hard days so I'm not surprised I feel a little bit like dirt.  It's all good. 

10:10 am.  I drop my bike off at the bike shop for a tune up.  The rock I hit in yesterday's ride sent my derailleur into crash safety mode.  I didn't even know this was a thing, but it is and thank God I didn't do any real damage.  I had scheduled this tune up 2 days ago, so once again, timing is perfection.  I walk next door to the yoga studio / coffee shop and order an iced coffee with 4 shots of espresso mixed with dark chocolate. 

10:49 am.  I throw two loads of laundry into the wash.  After 3 days of biking + double bike day I'm down to one kit.  And nothing dries quickly here so I have to stay on top of the clothing pile up. 

10:58 am.  I'm back up on my floor, but now the cleaning lady is in our room.  So I stand in the hallway scrolling Instagram while she finishes up.  I get back into my room just in time to turn around and go get the clothes out of the washer.

11:33 am.  We finish hanging clean clothing around the room and the balcony.  We wander down Ali'i to Daylight Mind for a bite to eat.  The food is AMAZING.  Like the most perfect spinach leaves you've ever seen.  I eat a benedict with avocado, spinach and tomatoes, minus the hollendaise sauce, plus a side salad.  I drink a kale and mango smoothie.  Fresh food tastes amazing after eating training food for 3 days.

12:55 pm.  I get a call from the bike shop.  Apparently there was some confusion as when I scheduled the tune up, somehow it got entered into the system as just the inspection for Ultraman.  We got it sorted out and he told me I could come get the bike, that he'd have it ready to go.

2:27 pm.  I'm waiting at the bike shop for them to finish up the tune up.  My bike gets inspected, but my back-up bike doesn't pass because of some spoke issues.  We schedule another inspection for race week when another pair of wheels will be available for me to use.   

3:05 pm.  We're at Target again getting a few things.  Like frozen fruit (fresh fruit lasts like a day if you're lucky) and almond butter.  Stuff to make smoothies with. 

3:54 pm.  We're back at the room and I feel like my whole day is gone.  Nothing happens fast here.  My mom always jokes about how everyone in Hawaii is on "wiki wiki time".  This is a legit thing. 
I thought I'd have all this free time to get caught up on emails/ work stuff... and now it's practically bedtime.  Maybe I'm cranky because I'm hungry again.  So we make nachos.  Blue corn chips, black beans, salsa, avocado.  It's delicious.

5:47 pm.  Work emails are done.  Caught up on my training log from yesterday and today.  We've officially been here for a full week.  Time is going by quickly, and slowly, all at the same time.  Today I'm particularly grateful for all the friends who've reached out in support.  This first week was rough, and I try not to be melodramatic, but I also want to share where I *really* am.  No fluff.  No filter.  And knowing that I have friends who love me no matter what is really uplifting.  I honestly feel like I have a new outlook on things and am feeling calm again.  So THANK YOU for your emails, texts, DMs.  You are so appreciated. 

5:56 pm.  I'm getting in the recovery boots.  I'm going to lay here and think about sleeping.  And I'll probably be asleep in the next 30 minutes.


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