Monday, November 12, 2018

Diary of an Ultraman: Day 12

6:01 am.  I peek at the alarm clock. 

6:24 am.  I roll out of bed clearly not falling back to sleep.

7:00 am.  I put 9 quarters in the washer and toss all my stinky, sweaty clothes from the last few days in.

7:03 am.  I'm in line at the breakfast buffet.  Oh, yeah.  This is a rest day.  My day to eat and get caught up on life.

7:34 am.  It's really too bad that you can't stockpile food for the rest of the day.  I would have loved to eat three times as much as I did, but at least I can get free coffee refills until 10 am.  We head back and toss the towels and socks in the dryer, and take the rest of the clothes up to the room to hang out to dry.  I gather my computer and head back downstairs to work.  

11:37 am.  The lunch crowd has rolled in and it's getting noisy in my little work spot.  I head back up to the room to keep working.  

12:45 pm.  I walk downstairs and head to the adjacent building for my massage/ chiropractic appointment.

3 pm.  Massage was OK.  Chiropractic appointment...  I had my energies balanced.  Yes, that's right.  Walked in thinking my cervical spine needed adjusting, walked out with my astral spine aligned.  Welcome to Hawaii.  I jest, but was pretty amazing actually.  It was like the universe was sending me another reminder that it is here to support me.  That healing comes from within.  That I can choose to be well.  

3:05 pm.  I am freaking out.  (OK, my balance didn't last long.)  I get back to the room to find my bike - which we had taken in earlier to have a compact crank put on the front in an effort to make climbing easier - was back AND WITH THE WRONG SIZE CRANK ARMS.  I'm in full on panic mode.  The shop closes in 3 hours, I don't have the flexibility to ride 170s, and I have a 6 hour ride.... tomorrow.  

3:06 pm.  Also, my tongue still feels gross from the swim yesterday.  Have you ever burnt your tongue on hot soup or coffee?  And it feels a little bit swollen, and like you can't taste properly for a few days?  Well multiply that by 20, and that's what swimming in saltwater for 3 hours feels like.... for days afterward.  I'll probably have normal feeling back in my tongue by next week.  Just in time to do this all over again.  Maybe my tongue will develop some immunity to the salt water...

3:25 pm.  I'm calm again.  The gap between stimulus and response is getting a little bit bigger.  At least I'm recognizing when I react a way that is not in alignment with who I am.  And I apologized for my outburst.  I am a work in progress.  Anyway, my bike is now back at the shop getting my old cranks/ chain rings put back on.  They're going to see if they can order the correct size and have it in before the race.  And we're sitting at the Kona Brewery contemplating food.  They have this amazing Asian chicken dish with rice and steamed veggies... it's spicy, sweet.  I'm having de ja vu, so I likely have already told you about this dish.  My world revolves around food.  And sleep.  

4:45 pm.  I'm showering to get all the oil off of my skin from the massage.  I've made it through the whole day without truly sweating.  (My legs did get a little gross against the leather of the car seat...)  Mary 1, Hawaii 11.  

6:18 pm.  I'm debating gelato.  I want some.  But I don't want to walk to get it.  The sun is down, so I'll keep my non-sweating streak alive.  But I'm tired, and I just want to lay in bed and watch TV.  My bike is back from the shop so the ride will go on.  

6:47 pm.  The ice cream hit the spot.  We ended up at Kona Haven for a scoop of the mac nut ice cream.  Sweet, salty.  Creamy, crunchy.  Delicious.  

6:50 pm.  I set the timer on my meditation app for 15 minutes and close my eyes.  I breathe.  

7:13 pm.  I'm getting bottles ready for tomorrow and getting ready for bed while watching HGTV.  My secret guilty pleasure.  I'm looking forward to re-doing my first ride tomorrow, with new focus, new energy, new appreciation.  


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