Friday, May 4, 2012

IMSG Day 3: Let's get it on already!

My day started with a short run just to loosen up the legs and remind my muscles what will be required on the run course.  I really just wanted to run.  This sitting around, resting, is driving me batty.  I feel like I'm on my butt with my feet up, eating four square meals a day.  Ugh.  I need to get out there!!!
Foam rolling after my run.  Trying to stay loose!

After breakfast and coffee, we loaded everyone into the car to drop off gear bags and bikes.  While we were out at the reservoir we jumped in for a quick swim.  It was a little chillier today without a wetsuit on, but after the first 30 seconds I was able to catch my breath and just swim. 

Ready to throwdown.

On our way back we stopped at Great Harvest (again!) for lunch.  We picked up a tray of Oh-So-Orange Pullaparts for a breakfast treat on Sunday.  Can't wait!  The little balls of dough just melt in your mouth.  Then it was a little R&R by the pool and now chillin' in the room waiting for dinner to be delivered.  (Pizza.) 

T1 at Sand Hollow Reservoir

Morning will arrive very early.  Tomorrow is all about forward progress over 140.6 miles.  Keeping my head in the swim.  Staying relaxed and positive on the bike.  And giving my all on the run.  Staying hydrated.  Staying fueled.  Staying upright.  Staying positive.  And continuing to move forward until I cross that finish line. 

Entering into an Ironman race I always have 3 goals. 

#1.  To finish.  It's a long day and you never know what will happen.  If I have the worst possible day, I hope that at the very least I will cross that finish line before the 17 hour cutoff.

#2.  A reasonable, realistic goal for performance.  For me, in this particular race, that goal is sub 12:50.  My very first IM race was finished in 12:51.  Over the next few years I slowly took off a few minutes at a time.  I often joke that I have a 20 minute window as all but one of my finishes have fallen between 12:25-12:50. 

#3.  A perfect day.  For me, on this course, I believe that goal is 11:45.  This would be a PR and an amazing performance.  If everything came together perfectly with a little help from Mother Nature, I could hit this goal.

I'm ready to close my eyes, wake up tomorrow, and see where my day leads me.   

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